I endorse the NYC CAN campaign and support the need for a new, independent, investigation of the events and failures that lead up to the 9/11 attacks.
The original 9/11 Commission inquiry became an exercise in bureaucratic ass-covering and obfuscation of accountability.
I had no intention of joining the ranks of “whistle blowers”. In 2003, when I made my disclosure to the 9/11 commission regarding the existence of a pre 9/11 offensive counter-terrorism operation that had discovered several of the 9/11 terrorists a full year before the 9/11 attacks my intention was to simply tell the truth, and fulfill my oath of office.
Unfortunately, this was a minority view.
Instead of supporting the search for the truth, members of the Bush/Rumsfeld Department of Defense did everything within their power to destroy my 20 year career as a clandestine intelligence operative simply to try to discredit me and my disclosure.
[Tony...'WE' both know how that works; been there and have experienced that for some years:(!]
In 2006 I testified before Congress on the pre-9/11 issues regarding the systemic failures I was personally aware of – in both open and closed sessions – and yet nothing was ever done to correct these problems.The families and victims of the 9/11 attacks are owed a real accounting of why their government failed them. We all deserve answers.
The full accounting has never been made. This accounting is long overdue. I hope the NYC CAN effort will result in a real, detailed, independent investigation that will reveal the full truth – whatever that truth may be.
_Tony Shaffer
Our hearts and thanks go out the LTC Shaffer for his courage to uphold his oath!
"And Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free"
Love "Light" and Energy
[Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer Interviewed on Alex Jones Inforwars]
BushFRAUD Let Bin Laden Escape! Duhhhhhhhhhhhh
[9/11 tragedy pager intercepts]
[Scott Horton Interviews Sibel Edmonds and John M. Cole]
[The 'Israeli Art Student' Files]
[Mossad Art Students, were in the World Trade Center Towers with Construction Passes]
[NYC CAN Verdict: 80,000 Silenced by State Supreme Court]
[Related: Patroits Question 911]
[Related: Interview with Peter Lance]
[Related: Interview with Former FBI Counterintelligence Manager John M. Cole]
[Related: Make History - National 911 Memorial]
Representing NYCCAN.org. In his first media appearance on the issue, Dennis discusses the legal aspects of the petition by NYCCAN.org to amend the NYC Charter to form an independent local commission with subpoena power to re-investigate 9/11. This archive is definitely 5 stars.
[Archives of Hour 1 only:]
[Justice for the victims of 9/11! Justice for Mounir El Motassadeq!]
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