Dear fellow T-Is and professionals
Please find the enclosed report titled “ThE OmInOuS Parallels” concerning The United States and Worlds Silent Holocaust that discusses the issues of government harassment against U.S. Citizen’s using a combination of Military Grade Electronic and Psychological Torture to subjugate and destroy people’s lives both within the United States and abroad.
For emphasis, there has never been nor is there now any sane justification for this type of torture within a civilized society, more especially a democratic one. And before anyone insinuates that I’m anti government or a radical I am not. The record will show that I’ve been a successful and ethical businessperson, and have proven myself in both the U.S. armed forces and academia.
That being said part of the T-I’s torture is that we are always classified as being crazy; moreover, when the subject of mind control and this type of harassment is brought up it’s always discarded and considered a myth.
First, let’s make clear of who’s really crazy and THEY are those person’s who HIDE behind their top secret clearance that allows them to destroys innocent lives all the while claiming that it’s in the best interest of our National Security, should they get caught in their crime. [Continued][click on the above title to download this entire document in .doc format]
===snipped===>"And Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free"
Love "Light" and Energy
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