Between 1933-1945, The Nazi’s created a race of hate and victimization on Germany that eventually consumed Europe. Driven by raciest belief that killed as many million men, women and children on their quest to dominate Europe and to create a “pure superior race”. The Nazi’s singled out the Jews for total extermination – their very existence to be erased from history and memory. Before their defeat in 1945, the Nazi regime murdered six (6) million Jews – more than half of Europe’s Jewish population.
Those who have perished have been silenced for sure. Those who witnessed and survived the horrors carry with them the burden of memory. Through their voices, we seek to comprehend the acts of (inhumanity) that stem from the seeds of prejudice.
To remember their sufferings is to recognize the danger and EVIL that are possible whenever one group persecutes another. As you walk this freedom trail pause here to reflect on the consequences of a world in which there is no freedom – a world in which basic human rights are not protected and know that whenever prejudges, discrimination and victimization are tolerated, EVIL like the holocaust can happen again....AND IT IS! [Continued]
[click on the above title to download this entire document in .doc format]
===snipped===>"And Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free
Love "Light" and Energy
_Don[Related: Something very rotten is going on at the heart of American behavioral science, and I’m not talking about decades-old scandals — I’m talking about right now. Along with collaboration with the CIA and military on possible new abusive interrogation methods, the APA is fighting to keep its links with the military, and to keep psychologists as essential components of their interrogation practice]
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