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Cost of War to the United States

Sunday, February 6, 2011

EMFields - ThE SeLetUn ScIeNtIfIc StAtEmEnT - TIs Heads UP!

By EMFields - Posting #132

The Seletun Scientific Panel recommends significant reduction of EMF exposure limits because of current scientific uncertainty and to protect the health of the vulnerable in society.

In November 2009, a number of prominent scientists met at Seletun, in Norway, to discuss their concerns about the proliferation of radiation-emitting technology and the effects on health that this was believed to be having.

They concluded that public exposure levels are too high, and that this leads to significant bio-effects, such as cancer, infertility, DNA damage, mood changes, concentration and learning problems, Alzheimer's disease, ALS, sleep disruption and many other measures of health, disrupting the lives of millions of people. No account is taken of the synergistic effects of combinations of frequencies which could make these risks far worse.

The Seletun Scientific Panel, composed of scientific experts present at the conference, are calling for a new approach to the protection of public health, with governments taking decisive action now to protect the lives of people, especially those who are vulnerable - predicted to be between 40-50% of the population (the elderly, the ill, those who are genetically and/or immunologically challenged) - and, of course, our growing and developing children, our future. We also need to protect our economic life, which could be devastated by the ill-health of so many people of working age.

The Seletun Scientific Panel agreed on 10 proposals,including government action.

* The global population is at risk.

* Sensitive populations are currently vulnerable.

* Government actions are warranted NOW based on evidence of serious disruption to biological systems.

* The burden of proof for the safety of radiation-emitting technologies should fall on producers and providers; NOT CONSUMERS.

* EMF exposures should be reduced in advance of complete understanding of mechanisms of action.

* The current accepted measure of radiation risk - the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) - is inadequate and misguides on safety and risk.

* An international disease registry is needed to track time trends of illnesses to correlate illnesses with exposures.

* Pre-market health testing and safety demonstration of all radiation-emitting technologies.

* Parity needed for occupational exposure standards. Though workers may overall be healthier than the public in general, it also includes women of child-bearing age whose foetuses could be damaged and men whose fertility could be compromised.

* Functional impairment designation for persons with electrohypersensitivity.

Click here to see a 15 minute video of Professor Olle Johansson talking about their new guidelines. Olle Johansson is one of the Seletun panel and professor of experimental dermatology at the Nobel prize-winning Karolinska Institute in Sweden and long term campaigner for and supporter of those who are affected by electromagnetic fields.

"And Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free"


Love "Light" and Energy



Microwave News

Electromagnetic Health

The Seletun Scientific Statement

Columbia University Law School – Wireless Hazards Panel

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