The desire of the “ruling class” to understand the mechanics of the human mind has left a trail of misery dating back to earliest recorded history. It was not enough for them to subjugate the masses through force; the Elites wanted the people to accept their slavery, to integrate it into their psyches. They wanted us to be “thankful” for our servitude, for only then, would they truly be in control of the world.
To understand where this obsession with mind control comes from and how it works, we must first start at the beginning…
Pageantry One of the favored methods used by elites to effect people on a mass scale is Pageantry; the ability to create an entire environment that overloads the five senses and the unconscious mind with subliminal and archetypal messaging. The most successful example of expert pageantry is probably the formation of Nazi Germany, financed by elites from around the globe, including the Rockefeller Family through their company Standard Oil, as proven by the “Von Knieriem Documents” discovered during the Nuremberg Trials:
The entire Nazi ideology was founded on principles supported by the Rockefellers and other elites, along with the archetypal mythologies touted by the Theosophical Society. Numerous symbolic images like the Swastika (black sun) or the lightning bolt-like symbol for the SS (a rune symbol) were taken directly from occult history and used masterfully to build an environment rich in archetypes. Jung, who witnessed the transformation of Germany, despaired at the use of archetypes in the destruction of Europe: “
If thirty years ago anyone had dared to predict that our psychological development was tending towards a revival of the medieval persecutions of the Jews, that Europe would again tremble before the Roman fasces and the tramp of legions, that people would once more give the Roman salute, as two thousand years ago, and that instead of the Christian Cross an archaic swastika would lure onward millions of warriors ready for death — why, that man would have been hooted at as a mystical fool.” –Carl Gustav Jung
Defense Against Mind Control Methods
The first step in defending against manipulation is of course to first understand the methods used by manipulators to get what they want. After careful study, you should be able to easily pick out key phrases, archetypal symbols, subliminal messages, and other devices when you are confronted by them. It is interesting to examine these methods in depth and then go back out into the world of media and propaganda. You may be startled by what you see on the T.V. and in the streets that you did not notice before.
[Special Note: One can discern & discover disinfo agents by using this methodology]
The other defense against mind control was actually realized by Carl Jung. Jung found that those people who used Archetypal Psychology for good, those who used it to understand themselves and their inborn qualities, were actually incredibly resistant to manipulation and subversion. They could not be caught in the fervor of an archetypal event, because they knew their own unconscious so well. These men and women were psychological mountains, immovable spires of mental strength that could not be changed and controlled by others.
For those not yet self aware, the mind remains a subtle and mutable form, a delicate instrument that expresses the contents of the spirit, but hard to predict and defend. Knowing one’s self is the key to breaking from the poisonous circle of psychological manipulation, and to expel the habit of apathy that settles human beings into tyranny. To win liberty back from the clutches of elites, we must first WANT to be free, and the path to freedom begins in the minds and the hearts of men.
===snipped===> "And Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free"
Love "Light" and Energy
Thanks goes to 'Dr. Evil' for this link ;-)
Of Interest: [CIA-AIR Report]
[April 13, 1953: CIA OKs MK-ULTRA Mind-Control Tests]
[Psychic Driving Television]
[Potential U.S. Rogue Groups and Two Recent Examples]
[The Wake Up Project: Arrival Series, Divine Book and Phase 3]
[The Hidden Hand that Shaped History]
[House Of Rothschild: Read This]
[CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA]
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